Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Original Proyect Film

In this project you have to go see a movie in English to the movies with a group of your class and then you do a presentation to explain to them everything you've learned about the film.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ariana Grande.


Problem is my fvorite song of Ariana Grande.

She is 21 years old she was born in Florida in 1993.

She did a tv serie in Clan Tv, the name was Victorious and then she became famous for her songs and her voice.

Ariana Grande has 6 albums and the most important is "My Everything" has 15 songs.

And i like the song "Problem" because I like her voice, and the video is so atractive.

When she was in Victorious.

If my house were burning.

If my house was burning...

Name: Maria

Localitation: Valencia

Ans: 14

If my house was burning, I wolud take my guineapig, because I love it a lot, my camara to take fhotos and i like this so much.
Of course i would take an iPad because it not burning and to be able to conect, also I would take my Phone to be able to warn and a loader for the battery and my Fragrance of Adidas.

And then i would take two T-Shirts and one trouser because I happen a few days out of my house and this is what I would take if my house was burning


Monday, August 25, 2014

My summer 2014

                 My summer 2014.

Hi, this summer I have gone to Andorra with my parents 4 days.

We were in car 6 hours and the next day we went to see lakes in the mountains it was cold, later we went to see a mine of iron, There were statues of iron.

Another day we were to Caldea this is a very big resrot and I liked so much because it was very calm.

And the finally day we went to shopping to the shops in Andorra.

After returning of Andorra I went away to my
chalet in La Cañada and I have been there with my familiy.

James and the gigant peach

                 James and the giant peach.

Title: James and the giant peach.

Writer: Roald Dahl.

Illustrated: Quentin blake.

Number of pages: 128.


  About the book:

This book is aboute James is seven years and he haven't got parents because they dead, and he is going to be life with his wicked aunts: Spiker y Sponge.

Later, he saved the life to a spider and the spider says to him that it should follow him to the garden because in the garden are a giant peach, and they enter in the peach and in the peach are more animals and they have a circus and they are so funny here and the animals say to James if he would like to live there with them and James says yes.

Finally James follow living with they in the giant peach because they have more adventures and he doesn't like his aunts, and he live with the animals in the peach.

Roald Dhal.

Roal Dahl is te writer of this book he was born in 13th of September in 1916, in
United Kingdom.

His first book was "The Gremlins", was published in 1934 and then he continued to write books: Charlie and the chocolate factory, Matilda and James and the giant peach.

Roal Dahl is a very important writer.

My personal opinion.

I read this book because beafore I seen the film, and I me liked to read the book because I liked the film so much.
And now i like the book more than the film.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The film's project.

I'll talk about a project, the film's project, It is about making a movie with your grup, we have done on the E.T the extraterrestrial.

We are five in the grup: Ainhoa, Tarek, Patri, Marc and me, the truth is that we really liked the project because while you are recording you spend it well and have fun.

I'd like to do more projects like this, but what we has happened in my grup has been that we have caught a movie that has little dialogue and that has annoyed us a bit but otherwise fine.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Nelson Mandela

                       Nelson Mandela died on 5 of December.

He was the first black president of South Africa, he spent 27 years in prison before he was relased in 1990, he was in the prison for his way of thinking and because in at moment in the governament areeverybody was white.

The condicions of the prison were not good, so he went out of the prison with a disease in thr lungs and when the went out, he fought for the black's rights. In 1948 he was in the power of South Africa and he changed the lives of the black people because he was thinking very in the old people.

For me Mandela was one of the most important people of the word for, all that he fought, and the black people, now have more rights, and better living.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My photo.

This photo is very important for me because it is when I'm playing with he I have so much fun and I love it

In this photo I was ten years old and this photo is in my house of La Cañada.

I had this dog for my birthday and when I had the dog I became very happy.

The name of my dog is Titin.
Titin is a black dog, he has brown eyes and is so beautiful

I love it and this photo is very special for me.